Kent County Council ups its game with innovative real-life experience

TMP Worldwide creates a unique board game that captures the benefits of working for the council and the career development available.
Visual-Craft winners 2024

Kent County Council needed to improve engagement in its Adult Services division, and decided to create a handcrafted and bespoke experience for employees. TMP Worldwide researched employees’ thoughts on life at the council, revealing that most people knew little about the wide range of training on offer, not to mention the benefits and wellbeing initiatives available to them. This meant they were not getting the best of what was on offer, which meant they weren’t advocating for being an employee at the council.

‘The Game of Kent Life’ was delivered, including a set of 100 question and answer cards across four categories: practice development, development and progression, wellness and support, and values and rewards. Players moved around the board answering questions and collecting cards, learning more about the council’s benefits and support as they went. The board itself was a three-dimensional map of Kent, and brought together the skills of art directors, designers and even a joiner! Playing pieces were cut into the shape of the KCC logo’s horse. The game was light enough to transport between locations but big enough for a team to play together.

Employees loved the game. One said it “exceeded my expectations” and that it “absolutely amazed her”, while others commented that they enjoyed being able to handle something in 3D and that sight-impaired staff could feel the symbols. All in all, there was a feeling that playing together reinforced a feeling that teams were working towards a common goal.