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MBDA keeps candidates warm with chat and on-brand content

Using onboarding tools from Meet and Engage, the defence company has transformed how it interacts with candidates.

Year: 2024
Achievement/category: Shortlisted in Candidate Experience
Client: MBDA
Agency: Meet & Engage
Industry: Engineering and manufacturing

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Missile systems company MBDA prides itself on an excellent candidate experience, despite the challenges of skills shortages and competition to recruit in the defence industry. They must also vet candidates thoroughly due to the nature of the business, which can add time to the hiring process, as well as limit candidate pools. MBDA needed to implement a dynamic solution that would boost engagement, provide vital pre-joining information and inclusive messaging. They wanted candidates to be able to chat to recruiters in real time, and capture feedback and data on their experience.

MBDA worked with Meet and Engage to provide a platform that would offer separate portals for early careers and experienced hires, a chatbot and chat channels, live virtual events and integration with its Workday HR system. They wanted the experience to feel like a social feed for the company, with videos, wall posts and chances to get feedback. Crucially, the content reflected MBDA’s brand values and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Throughout the process, recruiters hosted group and one-to-one live chats for candidates so they could ask questions about the way ahead.

The Meet and Engage platform has helped MBDA to keep candidates engaged in ways that were previously unavailable. More than 900 candidates registered for the portal in the first year, and have praised its ease of use. Every single candidate reported a positive recruitment experience with MBDA, with feedback including “I am excited about starting” and “the best onboarding experience I’ve ever had”.