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British Army gets stronger with belonging campaign

This internal British Army EDI campaign, developed with ThirtyThree, started conversations and changed attitudes around discrimination.
STRONGER - The British Army with ThirtyThree
STRONGER - The British Army with ThirtyThree

About the campaign

The British Army aims to reflect the diversity of the population and does so through recruitment, but a small minority of soldiers still experience microagressions or behaviour that makes the workplace feel less inclusive. It wanted to create an internal D&I campaign that would speak to soldiers, contractors and civil servants, starting a conversation and changing attitudes.

The campaign aimed to show the real stories of soldiers who have faced discrimination at work. ThirtyThree wrote, scripted and produced four animated films showing discrimination against a soldier on account of sexuality, gender, race or their ‘newbie’ status. Each ended with a call to action: ‘What have you done today to strengthen your team?’ After the videos were shown to an initial segment of personnel, the feedback was so positive the Army decided to make them accessible to its entire workforce. They generated a conversation around identity, unconscious behaviours and how teams could work together to combat them.